Media & Publications
December 31, 2004
Media and Publication from 1992-2004
- There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else there are damages. Proof of Irreparable Harm in Canadian Practice., The Trademark Reporter, 2004, November-December, Vol. 94, pp. 1294-1314
- Pulling Surveys back from the Illusory Brink: a Reply to Liefeld, Corbin, R., Morrow D. The Trademark Reporter, 2004, November-December, Vol. 94 (6), pp. 1372-1388
- When Confusion Surveys Collide: Poor Designs or Good Science?, Corbin, R., Renaud, A. The Trademark Reporter, 2004, July-August, Vol. 94 (4), pp. 781-799
- Intent to Deceive: the Role it plays in Passing Off Actions, Corbin, R., Renaud, A. Intellectual Property Journal, 2004, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 97-108
What’s good for the goose is bad for the gander. Why confusion surveys by plaintiff and defendant should be different, Intellectual Property Journal, 2003, Vol. 16 (2), pp. 177-194
- Trial By Survey: Survey Evidence, and the Law, Corbin, R., Gill, K., and Jolliffe, S. 2000
- Product Containers Take Flight from Packaging, Intellectual Property Journal, 2000, Vol. 14, pp. 363-377
- Survey Research Goes to Court, In C. Chakrapani (ed.) Marketing Research: State of the Art Perspectives, American Marketing Association, 2000, pp. 583-626
- The History of Survey Evidence in North American Litigation: From Admissibility to Weight, Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, 1999, Vol. 18, pp. 79-86
- Evidence of Irreparable Harm in Interlocutory Injunction Applications, Canadian Patent Reporter, 1997, Vol. 74, pp. 289-306
- Market Research and Surveys as Expert Evidence, In Freiman, M. and Berenblut, M. (eds.) The Litigator’s Guide to Expert Witnesses, 1997, pp. 55-77
- Taking Legal Action to Stop Competitors in their Tracks, Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, 1996, Vol. 15, pp. 66-73
- Survey Research in Litigation: its past successes, its future trials, Canadian Patent Reporter, 1995, November, pp. 215-247
- Social Science Evidence in Misleading Advertising, Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, 1995, Vol. 14, pp. 57-65
- Perceived consumer effectiveness and faith in others as moderators of environmentally responsible behaviours, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 1992
- Public attitudes and behaviour concerning the environment Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, 1992, Vol. 11, pp. 74-86