News Archive
As milestones must be celebrated, we are proud to share news of CorbinPartners' 30th anniversary as Canada’s trusted provider of market intelligence for boardrooms and courtrooms [1994 – 2024].
June 10, 2014
CorbinPartners honored at MRIA national conference
The MRIA awarded CorbinPartners (in partnership with Ipsos Canada) both the Public Policy Impact Award and the Murray Philp Altruistic Award for its ‘Client of Modest Means’ Study for Legal Aid Ontario. The Public Policy Impact Award recognizes a project that has had a demonstrable public policy impact, and the ...June 2, 2014
Readers can now “Ask Dr. Ruth” in Vue Magazine
Ruth Corbin has been invited to write a monthly column in the research industry’s Vue Magazine. Called “Ask Dr. Ruth”, it will address matters of research standards, disputes about research validity, and advice about scientific measurement. ...April 30, 2014
Ruth Corbin presents ‘hot-tub’ alternative in The Advocates’ Journal
The Spring 2014 issue of The Advocates’ Journal features Dr. Ruth Corbin’s “The hot-tub alternative to adversarial expert evidence”, which details the evolution of the use of concurrent expert evidence. The article explores which countries have institutionalized hot-tubbing, alternatives to the practice and the advantages and disadvantages of it. ...February 3, 2014
RBC Royal Bank ranks #1 in Online Banking scorCard powered by CorbinPartners
For the fourth straight review, RBC ranked 1st overall in Surviscor’s Canadian Online Banking scorCard, an annual objective assessment of the online features and functionality at Canadian banking institutions. The design and execution of the study was once again powered by CorbinPartners. ...May 31, 2013
Best Integration Award at the 2012 Marketing Research and Intelligence Association’s (MRIA) Excellence in Research Awards
From left, Fiona Isaacson, Project Manager, CorbinPartners, Christian Bourque, Vice-president, Léger Marketing, and Dr. Ruth Corbin, Managing Partner, CorbinPartners, received the Best Integration Award at the 2012 Marketing Research and Intelligence Association’s (MRIA) Excellence in Research Awards. CorbinPartners, Stikeman Elliott LLP, and a team led by CorbinPartners, which included Léger ...April 26, 2006